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Deadline (63)

Intro to Radio & Podcasting (Stockport & Trafford ) – Gaydio Academy

This course will see you in several informal training sessions, over 8 evenings (no weekends) from 5:30pm – 8:30pm, located at Gaydio HQ for participants located in Stockport & Trafford.

Training will focus on:

  1. Introduction to Radio and how to become a radio presenter
  2. Show content & news presenting
  3. Other roles in radio & a look at music
  4. CV and job searching
  5. Storytelling with BBC’s Emma Goswell
  6. Prep for the podcast session
  7. Podcast creation, a session exploring the next stage progression tailored to the participant’s specific needs and next steps with Gaydio and other radio stations
  8. 1-2-1’s

Click the link above or here to register your interest.

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